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While autonomous robot arms have been used in car assembly lines and other industrial applications, there has been no such implementation at home. PawBot is first such helper robot arm for home use.

Since 1976, patents have been filed and inventors have been trying to figure out how to open and serve canned food to pets without human interventions. The whole pet dry food multi-billion industry arose out of the need to feed our pets conveniently.

PawBot is the only device on the planet that can be loaded up with multiple pet food cans and PawBot with its built in robot arm will automatically open and serve canned food as needed to your pet. PawBot is easy to use and works out of the box. 

PawBot helps fulfill the need to serve our pets more natural wet food as opposed to dry food which is reported to cause many health issues like diabetes and kidney failure for pets.  See “Is Dry Food Killing Your Pet?”

PawBot’s robot arm has eyes which can locate food cans, grippers that empty out food into a fresh bowl and many other features, which can be seen on PawBot’s youtube video channel as well at:

While many robotic ventures are racing to create home helper robots, however, they are mostly priced well over $80,000 and are quite complicated to use.  PawBot beats the competition by being the first robot arm helper which is ready to use out of the box, and will sell for about $3500.


About PawBot:  PawBot was created by a group of Chicago based engineers and designers who were trying to figure out a way to feed their pets wet canned food when they were not at home. Since no inventions existed to open and serve canned food to pets, they recognized robotics was the key to this unsolved problem. You can visit them at:

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